Well the real winners are investors who got in early and were able to invest in Twitter (i.e. not you or me).
But a free AMZN gift card doesn't hurt. (Do yourself a favor and use it to buy a good investing book like this one).
Without any further ado, here are the winners:
- Pricing = $26
- Winner = Christopher H. @ $26.5 and Obaidur @ $25.5
- Opening Price = $45.10
- Winner = Rick @ $42.55
- Closing Price = $44.90
- Winner = Nick G. @ $41
Congrats everyone! Drew Cohee will be emailing you with your winnings :)
Your, feels good to give free stuff away, president -
Kyle Bazzy
PS -
Nic Chahine was actually closest on opening price, but come on man you are a Marketfy Maven. You're supposed to get that stuff right :)