Options and stocks involve substantial risk and are not suitable for all investors. Subscribers are urged to evaluate any strategy prior to use to understand the risks and suitability for their personal investment use. Please read
Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options prior to investing in options.
If you engage or plan to engage in auto-trading of any strategy, please refer to
All About Auto-Trading.
This portfolio is a sample “paper” portfolio for informational and educational purposes only recommended by Nicolas Chahine as representative of Nic Chahine Coaching and is not tailored to the individual circumstances or investment needs of any subscriber. This portfolio does not represent an actual portfolio held by Nicolas Chahine, and the performance of this portfolio is not necessarily the performance experienced by Nicolas Chahine with respect to [his/her] securities holdings and trades. Nicolas Chahine may have a financial interest in the recommendations [he/she] makes as [he/she] may hold or trade some of the same securities for [him/her]self, family members and [his/her] clients.
It should not be assumed that future recommendations will be profitable or will equal past performance. As with any potential opportunity to earn profits, there is a risk of loss.