Gary Anderson
Full time investor in 3D printing stocks
I began trading and investing in my late teens and now have 30 years of experience under my belt.
Early on, I was very consistent in my ability to lose money in the market. It wasn't until my early 20s that I began reading everything I could about investing…from studying William O’Neil’s “CAN SLIM” system to Benjamin Graham’s The Intelligent Investor. Once I began spending more time reading corporate income statements and balance sheets than I did reading press corporate releases, I started to make money in the market. By my 40s I was usually making more money in the market than in my career at the director level in the administration of a large private hospital. At age 50, I left my job to pursue my passion to invest and trade full time with my only regret being that I hadn’t done it sooner.
3D Printing Stock Focus
100% of my investments are now related to 3D printing. The industry is experiencing compound annual growth rates (CAGR) of 30-35% and I can think of no space where I’d rather invest.
I bought my first 3D printing stocks (Stratasys and 3D Systems) in late 2010 and began publishing articles on investing the space at in early 2013, where I also launched the first pure play 3D printing stock tracking index. I’m also a contributor on 3D printing investments at and
In 2014 I began speaking about investments in 3D printing at the “Inside 3D Printing Conference” events (NYC and Melbourne, Australia), and will be a featured speaker at the October 3D printing conference in Santa Clara, California.
While it’s challenging at times, I try to keep a steady focus on the rapid changes in the 3D printing industry and believe my understanding of the industry itself as well as the key players in it are keys to success.
“Profit With 3D Printing Stocks” on Marketfy
I will present stocks in the 3D printing space that I believe are undervalued at the time.
I’ll usually write about lesser-known players in the 3D printing space…players that I believe will outperform the big boys over a 6-12 month time frame. They’re out there now and there are more to come in the future.