In-Trade Thoughts

Good morning, TTR:

It has been a while since we sent a note AND took a trade. I have been on the road for the past several weeks, and it is great to be back. As I take these several days to re-familiarize myself with my usual surroundings, we put two stocks in our crosshairs today: STO and WDAY. We already got our feet wet on the first one with half a position. 

Unfortunately, we were not allowed by our software to trade the second one, WDAY, given that the ticker was not being recognized by the Marketfy trade engine. The issue got fixed pretty quickly, but by that time, the stock had taken off by about 2 points, which made me reluctant to chase for the time being. I hope those of you that were following today's blog did get a chance to fire some buys at the open. 

As we get back into the rhythm of things, I am going to practice a half-position scale at the open and a half-position at a point judged appropriate by some discretionary measure. Our targets and stop will be calculated after that second entry. Of course, the second entry will be scratched quickly should my opinion about the trade change drastically. This is something that will be communicated via blog, live chat or email, as always. 

I had a fabulous 3 weeks of constant learning - while most of it was not trade-related, it served to open eyes on some very important challenges and improvements that I need to tackle. I also had the great privilege of  picking the brain of several people I would consider "rock stars" in the field of money and portfolio management. To put it mildly, my world has been rocked - positively! I look forward to expound some of what I have learned as our TTR activity unfolds. 


Posted to Trade The Ratings on Aug 28, 2013 — 9:08 AM
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